Monday 31 January 2011

Prince Charles visits King's Lynn

I was in rather an excitable mood when Prince Charles came to King's Lynn last week and backed a bid to make sure one of Norfolk's historic buildings has a future.

The Prince, who is president of the Prince’s Regeneration Trust, arrived at Hanse House, in St Margaret’s Place, in King’s Lynn’s medieval quarter, at around 5.20pm last Tuesday - which sadly meant it was too dark to take pictures on my iPhone but I didn't mind too much because I got the chance to Tweet like mad!

It is not the first time I have been on the Royal rota to see the Prince but it was probably the closest I have ever been to him and it was exciting to see him stepping out of his car, waving to the crowd, and then walking into the Grade I listed building so close to where I stood.

Luckily for me it didn't end there as I was part of press pack which followed the heir to the British throne around the building. This part was fantastic because the rooms and corridors at Hanse House are quite small so we all got to get quite close to the Prince and at one point he actually turned to me and said: "It appears I am chasing you around - should it not be the other way round?"

Finally after going through what felt like 1,000 rooms we reached the room where the members of the press were given our marching orders and the Prince chaired a meeting which included the borough mayor, West Norfolk Council leader Nick Daubney and Norfolk County Council leader Derrick Murphy. The purpose of the meeting was to determine how the building could be used in the future now the county council is looking to relocate the register office, which the building houses, and sell it off.

It was obvious when the Prince called an end to the meeting as his security team were buzzing around us making sure everything was fine for the Royal and then he walked straight past me - and the rest of the press - in the corridor close to the front door before leaving the historic building at around 6.10pm.

It has been great working at the Eastern Daily Press over the last couple of months because we have had the Royal family staying at Sandringham which has meant lots of opportunities to see the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and some of the other Royals. It has also given me so many chances to practise the art of Tweeting live from the scene of an event.

Here is how I Tweeted this particular Royal visit:
Tweet Feed excerpts:

#PrinceCharles to arrive in King's Lynn in a short while Make sure you get out to see him at Hanse House
For those stuck at their desks - I will be tweeting live from the scene during the visit of #PrinceCharles to Hanse House in King's Lynn

Keep an eye out for the tweets of EDP photographer @matthewusher who will also be covering the visit of #PrinceCharles

It's getting a little dark here outside Hanse House awaiting for #PrinceCharles who is apparently running late

More than 10 people waiting for #PrinceCharles - don't think any of them are on Twitter mind.

Word on the vine is #PrinceCharles is now expected at 5.30pm. Crowd and police officers sharing a few jokes as they wait for the Royal

Ah good idea.. Someone has brought a flask & cakes! They are obviously keen Royal watchers.. Can I have some? #PrinceCharles

If you are finishing work at 5 in Lynn and fancy seeing #PrinceCharles before going home head down to Hanse House ASAP!

Why didn't I put on a coat? I'm freezing..! Good news though #PrinceCharles arrives at Hanse House at 5.15pm - Run from work if you can.

Not long to wait now. West Norfolk Mayor Zipha Christopher is in place and ready for #PrinceCharles arrival at Hanse House

Excitement as red car heads towards us - this is soon followed by laughter as it's a learner! No three point turn today! #PrinceCharles

Just spoken to Ros Kerslake from Prince's Regeneration Trust who tells me #PrinceCharles is keen to see future for Hanse House

#PrinceCharles has arrived. He was greeted by WN Mayor Christopher and is inside the building. Now talking to Dr Paul Richards

Whistlestop tour of this historic building for #PrinceCharles where he "chased" press around building

After hearing from Dr Paul Richards - local historian - #PrinceCharles speaks about how important it is to keep building and make it viable

#PrinceCharles is now in meeting discussing future of Hanse House. WN Mayor was in positive mood ahead of meeting

@matthewusher & me are just waiting for meeting to end to discover what the outcome from meeting and future of Hanse House is #PrinceCharles

There are still people hanging about outside to catch a glimpse of #PrinceCharles leaving Hanse House. Meeting due to end at 6.10pm

Security for #PrinceCharles is starting run around - meeting must be drawing to a close. Read all about outcome in tomorrow's EDP

Tweet Feed ends